GHC partners with West End Pharmacy for summer vaccine events

If you would like to take part in one of these events, please contact West End Pharmacy for details: phone: 770.606.0697 or email:
Georgia Highlands College (GHC) has partnered with West End Pharmacy to provide community vaccine events throughout the summer.
The events are open to anyone eligible for the vaccine and the first one is scheduled for May 21, 2021 from 1PM to 3PM.
Each event will be held in Student Center Building B at GHC’s Cartersville location (5441 Highway 20, NE Cartersville, GA 30121).
What will I need?
The vaccination part of this event is non-private, meaning there won’t be any screens or areas to remove clothing for your shot. In consideration of this, you should wear a sleeveless top or short-sleeved shirt that will allow you to easily expose your arm and shoulder area.
You MUST bring your vaccine card you received during your first dose of the vaccine, if this is your second dose.
(And don’t forget your mask!)
Where do I go?
The vaccination event will take place in “Student Center Building B.” Park in Lot “B” behind the student center. (Please do not park in the “Limited Parking (LP)” area directly in front of the student center. This area is reserved for pharmacy personnel.)
From the parking lot, follow directional signage to enter the student center at the back entrance (nearest “D” deliveries drive).
Once you are inside the student center, make your way to the check-in table
After you check in to the event, follow directional signage to the student gym.
Half of the student gym will be used for vaccinations, and the other half of the gym will have spaced seating for 15-minute post-vaccination observation.
What can I expect?
All campus guidelines will be followed during this event. You will need to wear a face covering, and if lines begin to form, please keep six feet between yourself and others.
Once you have checked in, you will proceed to the gym through the connecting hallway to receive your vaccination.
After your vaccination is complete, you will move to the spaced seating area on the opposite side of the student gym to wait for 15 minutes. You will also have your vaccination card updated.
Who do I contact if I need to cancel or if I have more questions?
Please contact West End Pharmacy at: 770-606-0697
For more information on the COVID-19 vaccines, please visit the CDC website.