GHC launches new initiatives for student success

With the goal of educating each and every student completely, Georgia Highlands College is introducing two new campaigns to help students succeed in college – and save money while doing it.
The first initiative, Student Success Workshops, rolled out during the first weeks of classes for the fall semester. Designed as a two-part series, these innovative workshops include practical study tips, like making lists and disconnecting from electronic devices, along with more holistic suggestions like self-care and self-determination.
GHC President Don Green led the first workshop, “Preparing to Be Successful,” across all five GHC locations. Beginning September 4, he will be presenting the second session, “Classroom Strategies,” twice at each GHC location.
The workshops are part of an ongoing effort to help students take ownership of their academic success.
“It’s important at GHC that we continually focus on the whole student, which includes helping our students with financial planning, adopting proven techniques and strategies that promote success, and being prepared on a career pathway toward a degree leading to as little debt as possible after graduating.” Green said. “The more we can help students develop and grow at GHC, the greater the positive impact GHC’s graduates will have in our communities in the future.”
With that goal in mind, the college has also created a series of videos designed to help students and families understand complex topics like how to avoid student loan debt. The video series called “Cut College Costs in 60 Seconds” breaks each subject down into entertaining and easy to understand animations.
The videos offer practical steps toward saving money on college, like completing a FAFSA each year or taking a full course load each semester to minimize fees. The money-saving tips in each video are not GHC specific, so students across the state and nation can apply the practices to maximize their return on their college investment.
View all the videos online at or learn more about GHC’s student success initiatives by visiting