Five Kids and College: Husband and wife tackle college, work, and kids all at the same time

There’s a new family sitcom at Georgia Highlands College called “Five Kids and College.” It stars a family of seven in all levels of schooling, from mom and dad in college to five kids ranging from pre-k to high school…
Sounds like the perfect television show pitch, right?
Well, stay tuned, because this isn’t a show—this is Erich and Miranda Curtis’ life!
The husband and wife team are no strangers to a little adventure.
Since they married 13 years ago, the two have lived in Tennessee, Alabama, California and now Georgia. They once even packed their little family car up with everything they owned and moved to Los Angelas on a whim. And now they’ve decided college is next on their bucket list.
Miranda and Erich are both in their mid-thirties with five kids: Erika is 16-years-old and a junior in high school; Emily is 14-years-old and a freshman; Sophia is 12-years-old and in the seventh grade; Savannah is 9-years-old and in the fourth grade; and Link is 4-years-old and in preschool.
“Who the heck goes back to college with all that on their plate?” you might ask.
Erich and Miranda made it clear from the start of their relationship: follow their dreams and stay happy.
Their motto is “never settle.”
Erich is currently pursuing a business degree and Miranda is working on her education degree.
“I had reservations about taking time away from my kids,” Miranda said, “but it has only brought us all closer. My oldest daughter tries to take similar high school courses as my college ones, because she knows that I can help her. We all get excited about good grades for any of us.”
Miranda went on, “We find it easier to empathize with the stress and struggles the kids are going through now that we are back in school. It is easy to forget how difficult classes can be when you have been away from it for so long.”
But it’s not all rosy. This is one hard working family.
“Our life is hectic, often stressful… There is never a dull moment,” Miranda said. “Our kids are very supportive in our decision to return to school. They help us study as we do them. We have a very busy schedule with it all. The kids play soccer, volleyball, are in the beta club, chorus, band, student council, FBLA, etc. Erich works in management at Toys R Us full time with an hour-and-a-half commute. I work from home. Yet, we somehow still find time to spend together.”
Miranda admits it’s a constant juggle and they are always bouncing from one “last minute thing” to the next trying to get it all done.
“We truly believe this is the right thing for our family. We think it is important to teach our kids they can always improve life, no matter what age. That it is never too late to make a positive change,” Miranda said. “I think that the hardest part for someone considering returning to school is the first step. You have to just go for it.”
Erich and Miranda said they are glad they are making this effort at GHC.
“GHC is very close to our home and is very affordable,” Miranda said. “Upon attending, we have really grown to love it. The professors have been amazing and we really feel at home, even though we are not your average students. It can be hard at times, but it seems most things worth something are.”